Add a jQuery Sliding Pop-up to my Website

Screen Shot 2013-11-20 at 6.10.13 PM My client wanted not only a popup window, but a sliding popup window. The kind that slides across the page when you first get to a site. Or maybe it slides in after you’ve been on the site for a while.

I searched high and low for a jQuery popup that would do just that. It wasn’t a matter of not being able to find jQuery popup plugins, it was a matter of finding one that would slide and one that I could get to work in WordPress. I’m sure a lot of that problem is my lack of understanding as to how jQuery works in some cases, but I needed one fairly quickly that was easy to use and install.

I finally landed on bPopup. It does exactly what I want to do. It lets me choose whether I want it to slide in and out or up and down. It was quick and easy to install and he even has a jsfiddle that let’s me play around with the code before I install.

1 thought on “Add a jQuery Sliding Pop-up to my Website”

  1. Pingback: Hiding my Pop-up When a Visitor Returns if They've Chosen Not to See it Again - Cullen Web Services | Cullen Web Services

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