Explore our tips to get the most out of your website
Using Zoho’s CRM Version 2 PHP SDK API with OAuth
A year or two ago I did some work for a client with the Zoho API version 1.0. Now, they’ve deprecated that API version and will stop supporting it soon, so I must upgrade to version 2 of the API. […]
Planning Your New Website
Building a website is like building a building. Before you begin, you need to have a plan in place or who knows what you will end up building! You need to see the website in your mind, or help your […]
How to Add PHP Code to Your WordPress Post or Page
There are several ways to add php code to your WordPress blog. (Note: For our purposes here, we are talking about executing php code, not displaying php code for others to see. We will be using php code to make […]
The Future of Cullen Web Services
Occasionally I get asked, “God forbid something happens to you, what happens to my website?” I’m glad you asked. I have a contingency plan in place should something happen to me. Our team has expanded to seven regular contractors and […]
Charge Tax on Shipping Using Gravity Forms for WordPress
After figuring out how to charge tax for only one state , I then needed to include the shipping in the taxable amount. When I used the calculated field ( ({EMT Code Membership:30} + {Shipping:28} ) * .07 ) in […]
Add State Sales Tax for a Specific State with Gravity Forms in WordPress
I’m using the advanced address field in Gravity Forms so the conditional logic option on my tax field doesn’t let me check the state in that advanced field. I can’t make the tax field only show for florida so I […]
Create a CSV File of WordPress User Information with PHP
One of my clients wanted a list of their clients and the client’s information to download on demand. I added the following php code to their themes functions.php file. This will pull the information from the WordPress user record and […]
Why Your WordPress Website Needs Extra Security
I love WordPress! It’s a fantastic way to build a website without knowing how to write code. It truly makes web development easier. But, what a lot of WordPress website owners don’t realize is how easy it is for someone […]