WordPress, Gravity Forms and the First Data Global E4 Gateway API

7 thoughts on “WordPress, Gravity Forms and the First Data Global E4 Gateway API”

  1. Hello,

    I too am having issues with g-forms payment processing. I need the CC info to be pulled without being censored because as soon as they hit submit they are redirected to a secured backend but every time I send the CC info to my payment it’s always blocked. Anyway to remove that XXXX XXXX XXXX from gravity forms?

    1. Are you putting the code in the after_submission hook? You may want to check the hook to make sure the $_POST is still in tact when you send the payment info.

  2. Hi Cindy, and thanks for the script.
    Im trying to incorporate in my site but i get nothing in xml.
    I dont think it is processing properly.

    Any suggestions, Thanks.


      1. Hi Cindy, thanks for getting back to me.

        Below is the code, all i did is copy you script and put it in the functions.php.

        Once there i added the demo site url, changed the post fields name for mine, updated the email to my email for debug, i did take out the username field since in my form you dont need to be registered (took it out of the body as well) and lastly put my first data login id and password.

        thanks for your help

        $data) {
        $body .= $key.’ = ‘.$data.”nn”;
        if ($key == ‘input_9_2′) {
        foreach ($data as $key2=>$data2) {
        $body .= $key2.’ = ‘.$data2.”nn”;

        //save the fields from the form
        $amount = $_POST[‘input_44’];
        $type = $_POST[‘input_30’];
        $name = $_POST[‘input_50’];
        $card_number = $_POST[‘input_47’];
        $cc_expiry_month = str_pad($_POST[‘input_52’][‘0’], 2, ‘0’, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $cc_expiry_year = substr($_POST[‘input_53’][‘1’], -2);
        $cvv_code = $_POST[‘input_49’];

        //send another email to myself with more debug information
        $body .= “nnAmount = $”.$amount.”nnType = “.$type.”nnCert = “.$cert.”nnName=”.$name.”nnCard Number = “.$card_number.”nnExpires = “.$cc_expiry_month.$cc_expiry_year.”nn”;
        $body .= print_r($entry);
        $body .= print_r($_POST);
        mail(‘myemail@mydomain.com’,’gform after sub’, $body, “From: myemail@mydomain.com“);

        //Add First Data info here – make the payment

        $data = array(“gateway_id” => FD_ID, “password” => FD_PASSWORD, “transaction_type” => “00”, “amount” => $amount, “cardholder_name” => $name, “cc_number” => $card_number, “cc_expiry” => $cc_expiry_month.$cc_expiry_year);
        $data_string= json_encode($data);
        $ch = curl_init( FD_URL );
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, “POST”);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8;’));
        $result = curl_exec($ch); // Getting jSON result string

        //Another email – I like to see exactly what’s going on for debug purposes and to make sure it’s working correctly

        mail(‘myemail@mydomain.com’,’results from api’,$result);

        //put the xml results into simplexml and check results
        $xml = @simplexml_load_string($result);
        if ($xml) {
        if ($xml->Bank_Resp_Code == ‘100’) { // credit card charged successfully
        $valid = true;
        } else { // error with credit card charge – send myself an error message
        $body = $xml->Bank_Message;
        mail (‘myemail@mydomain.com’,’error with transaction’,$body,”From: myemail@mydomain.com“);
        } else { // The simple xml failed – send a message to myself to let me know what went wrong
        mail (‘myemail@mydomain.com’,’error with transaction’,’nothing in xml’,”From: myemail@mydomain.com“);

        if ($valid) { // If the credit card was successful

        // Save how many lessons they have bought – I have options to buy the whole course or one lesson at a time.
        if ($type == ‘Full’) {
        $lessons = 10;
        $product_name = ‘Full Course’;

        if ($type == ‘Lesson’) {
        $lessons = 1;
        $product_name = ‘Lesson 1’;

        // Send receipt
        $message = “Thank you for your purchase!nn”;
        $message .= “[Course Name]: “.$product_name.”nn”;
        $message .= “Amount: $”.money_format(‘%2n’,$amount).”nn”;
        $message .= “Thank You,nnDr. Menn”;
        mail($user->user_email, ‘[Course Name] receipt’, $message, “From: info@jerilavigne.com“);
        $payment = “SUCCESS”;

        } else { // the credit card wasn’t successful, send an email to the user. I also set a user meta field $payment so I could display an error on the user’s membership page.

        // Save lesson bought as 0 – show introduction only with buy now button
        $lessons = 0;
        $message = “I’m sorry, your payment did not go through.nnError: $xml->Bank_MessagennPlease try again.nnThank you, Dr. Me”;
        mail($user->user_email, ‘[Course Name] payment failed’, $message, “From: myemail@mydomain.com“);
        $payment = “FAILED”;

        // save the user meta fields to indicate the status of the user and their payment

        $user_id = $user->ID;

        update_user_meta($user_id, ‘paid_lessons’, $lessons, 0);
        add_user_meta($user_id, ‘payment’, $payment, true);


        1. Dont think the code displayed right, here goes again.


          //add_action("gform_pre_submission_5", "pre_submission_cc_processing", 10, 2);

          //function pre_submission_cc_processing($entry, $form){

          add_action('gform_after_submission_5', 'process_cc', 10, 2);
          function process_cc($entry, $form) {

          // send an email to myself for debugging and to know when someone registers/makes a payment
          $body = "$form = nn";
          foreach ($_POST as $key=>$data) {
          $body .= $key.' = '.$data."nn";
          if ($key == 'input_9_2') {
          foreach ($data as $key2=>$data2) {
          $body .= $key2.' = '.$data2."nn";

          //save the fields from the form
          $amount = $_POST['input_44'];
          $type = $_POST['input_30'];
          $name = $_POST['input_50'];
          $card_number = $_POST['input_47'];
          $cc_expiry_month = str_pad($_POST['input_52']['0'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
          $cc_expiry_year = substr($_POST['input_53']['1'], -2);
          $cvv_code = $_POST['input_49'];

          //send another email to myself with more debug information
          $body .= "nnAmount = $".$amount."nnType = ".$type."nnCert = ".$cert."nnName=".$name."nnCard Number = ".$card_number."nnExpires = ".$cc_expiry_month.$cc_expiry_year."nn";
          $body .= print_r($entry);
          $body .= print_r($_POST);
          mail('myemail@mydomain.com','gform after sub', $body, "From: myemail@mydomain.com");

          //Add First Data info here - make the payment

          $data = array("gateway_id" => FD_ID, "password" => FD_PASSWORD, "transaction_type" => "00", "amount" => $amount, "cardholder_name" => $name, "cc_number" => $card_number, "cc_expiry" => $cc_expiry_month.$cc_expiry_year);
          $data_string= json_encode($data);
          $ch = curl_init( FD_URL );
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8;'));
          $result = curl_exec($ch); // Getting jSON result string

          //Another email - I like to see exactly what's going on for debug purposes and to make sure it's working correctly

          mail('myemail@mydomain.com','results from api',$result);

          //put the xml results into simplexml and check results
          $xml = @simplexml_load_string($result);
          if ($xml) {
          if ($xml->Bank_Resp_Code == '100') { // credit card charged successfully
          $valid = true;
          } else { // error with credit card charge - send myself an error message
          $body = $xml->Bank_Message;
          mail ('myemail@mydomain.com','error with transaction',$body,"From: myemail@mydomain.com");
          } else { // The simple xml failed - send a message to myself to let me know what went wrong
          mail ('myemail@mydomain.com','error with transaction','nothing in xml',"From: myemail@mydomain.com");

          if ($valid) { // If the credit card was successful

          // Save how many lessons they have bought - I have options to buy the whole course or one lesson at a time.
          if ($type == 'Full') {
          $lessons = 10;
          $product_name = 'Full Course';

          if ($type == 'Lesson') {
          $lessons = 1;
          $product_name = 'Lesson 1';

          // Send receipt
          $message = "Thank you for your purchase!nn";
          $message .= "[Course Name]: ".$product_name."nn";
          $message .= "Amount: $".money_format('%2n',$amount)."nn";
          $message .= "Thank You,nnDr. Menn";
          mail($user->user_email, '[Course Name] receipt', $message, "From: info@jerilavigne.com");
          $payment = "SUCCESS";

          } else { // the credit card wasn't successful, send an email to the user. I also set a user meta field $payment so I could display an error on the user's membership page.

          // Save lesson bought as 0 - show introduction only with buy now button
          $lessons = 0;
          $message = "I'm sorry, your payment did not go through.nnError: $xml->Bank_MessagennPlease try again.nnThank you, Dr. Me";
          mail($user->user_email, '[Course Name] payment failed', $message, "From: myemail@mydomain.com");
          $payment = "FAILED";

          // save the user meta fields to indicate the status of the user and their payment

          $user_id = $user->ID;

          update_user_meta($user_id, 'paid_lessons', $lessons, 0);
          add_user_meta($user_id, 'payment', $payment, true);


          1. AJ, It looks like you may be getting JSON results instead of XML. Try reading it as a JSON string like this:

            $result = curl_exec($ch); // Getting jSON result string

            //$xml = @simplexml_load_string($result);
            $json = json_decode($result);

            if ($json) {
            if ($json->Bank_Resp_Code == ‘100’) {
            $valid = true;
            } else {

            You’ll have to change all the following variables named $xml to $json.

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